Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Monday, September 8, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mid Year Doldrums

The inevitable mid-year doldrums are starting to make their presence known in our classroom. Lately there has been a marked increase in mis-followed directions, half-finished assignments and near-to-bursting lockers.
It's hard to be inspired when the thermometer rarely goes above 20 degrees, so what is the answer?
How can I, a mere mortal teacher, ignite the thirst for success that so many of my students gulped down like a 40oz Slurpees just last September?
Well, I could focus on the basics:
Revisit goals -In September we wrote out our Hopes and Dreams for this year.  Mid-year is a good time to reevaluate where we are, and refine where we want to go. Middle School is now officially more than half-over for our students. Have them step back and think about the big picture. Before they know it, they'll be deciding which high school to attend. It's not too soon to start thinking about talents, abilities, strengths and interests.
Replenish school supplies - Take a look at your homework area at home. Are you running out of post-it notes? How's the glue stick supply? I can tell you that our classroom supplies have been exhausted and that just about everyone could benefit from a fresh box of colored-pencils and a few new erasers.
However, I think the true key - the elusive thing I'm looking for, may be more basic.                                                     I'm seeking the Daily Smile.
Just one brief moment of a from-the-bottom-of-the-heart genuine smile is enough to make my day! And, more often than not, those particular smiles are contagious!  You've probably already heard about our Friday Morning Dance Parties. Well, starting today I'm going to make a point to seeking smiles our kids. Even if it's just a teensy-weensy little grin, I'll take it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013